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Clariluz Graham

Your Skin's Reflection

Your Skin Reflects Your Mental State!

As a man thinks so does he become some translations say, “So is he” (Proverbs 23: 7)

Did you know that 75% to 90% of all disease in this Western society relates to the stress activation mechanism? We at times forget that this body, vessel is covered in our beautiful skin and that it houses our organs, tissues, cells, and STRESS. Your skin takes the direct hit from your stress triggers, and it traps the stress in your body and reflects on your skin.

Now the physiology of stress is robust and even in this 21st century, it remains an investigative topic. However, we do know that during those stressful days, weeks, or months our skin’s response to these duress signals varies. One of the main indicators of stress comes in the form of those pesky blemishes that pop out of nowhere at the speed of sound. With the multiple tasks from our demanding to-do-list, our work has piled up with unrealistic deadlines that continuously place us in a never-ending cycle of anxiety.

Stress begins in the mind and then its signals travel and stay trapped in your skin.


These stressors exert their effects on the skin through the Hypothalamic pituitary adrenal axis. Your neurons sense the duress and secretion of the corticotropin-releasing hormone begin. Remember Cortisol? Cortisol is the primary stress hormone in your body that regulates a variety of stress responses.

Now, there is good stress, also known as Eustress which we experience from a great workout, starting a new hobby, a new job, or a business venture.

In this case, I am talking about the stress that keeps you up all night with anxiety. I speak on this hustle-rat-race culture that we have been sold where stress has become the main course for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. It is time that we begin to reintroduce the concept of knowing thy self so that you can heal thyself “ healthy”. Change happens with one simple step which I define as “ A yields A". True change occurs when we “Acknowledge” a habit that does not suit our vitality and then we take “Action” for our betterment. For example, I was an overthinker and I tended to think more negatively at any given time. What I have found helpful is introducing a new narrative of the challenges I faced by reminding myself that these are thoughts and not final judgments; this challenge is an opportunity to overcome and prove God's power in my life. As a faith-driven believer, I am called an overcomer.

How do you begin to make the changes that will lessen the stress on your skin?

On your to-do list prioritize yourself as number 1 because if you cease to exist nothing on your to-do list, work schedule or other responsibilities will be fulfilled. Therefore, your self-care should be the first category on your to-do list to tackle.

What does self-care look like to you?

The definition of caring for oneself varies from person to person. It does not mean that you have to get a facial every Sunday (which is great by the way). Maybe self-care is reading a book in the bathroom away from your kids and dog; self-care is going to the beach to talk to God; maybe it is sitting outside hearing nature or sitting in silence in your car before or after a busy day. What does self-care look like to you? Whatever brings you excitement and allows you to forget about all of your responsibilities for a moment to place yourself, your voice, and your intuition first. This will help reduce the stress that your skin is housing. In your day-to-day, you should include what brings you joy, peace, and excitement.

As for me, I love sitting outside and at night I take the time to lotion my skin and apply my favorite serum on my face. Now, I am not saying that I have a perfect routine but I am making sure that this "Action" is part of my rhythmic daily cycle regardless of what stressors are around me. Let us together redefine your self-care and watch how our skin begins to glow!

PS: I am back!! Come back next week for your weekly dose of True Clarity!

Yours Truly

Clarity G

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