Get excited about retinol! It's Retinol Day!
The reason I love science, is the advances in the development of cosmetic products and actives such as topical Retinol!
Get excited too!!!
Topical retinol has been proven to improve the signs of aging.
Retinol is an inducer of glycosaminoglycan, which allows your skin to retain water and aids in collagen production. We need collagen and water.
I cannot stress this enough, hydration of our overall body
determines the health of our skin.
Skin hydration!!!
It is so important to have hydrated skin. With lubricated skin, the skin is more likely to withstand injury and the appearance of your skin improves. Retinol, one of the ingredients that you should have in your skin care products.
Next time you are looking for products, look for actives,
Topical Retinol has been proven to
Improve fine wrinkles associated with aging.
Retinol is an inducer of glycosaminoglycan, which allows your skin to retain water
Aids in collagen production
When choosing a great product for your bestie,
If in doubt, remember this acronym "L.I. P"
L- Lubricates the skin (Hydration)
I- Improves the sign of wrinkles
P- Promotes collagen production
Yours Truly, Your BFFF,
True Clarity