Your skin is your best accessory.I used to hear "clothing looks good on its hanger". Who is the hanger?
You are the hanger!
You are the accessory you wear daily aside from your makeup, clothing, and shoes. You are empowered by your skin because it is what people first encounter. They look at your skin and your hair, your clothes, your shoes, and your bag.
True skin care begins with you!
Why "TRUE" because it must be real and authentic to YOU.
Your habits are personal even if they are comparable to others.
Your true skin routine must be personal, and it must begin with first loving you.
"Love your neighbor as yourself "(Lev19:18)
How can you love your neighbor if you do not love yourselves?
If you do not love yourself, you cannot do what you were commanded to do, which is to love your neighbor as yourself.
Therefore, the love that you give others is a counterfeit
of your authentic self. See, loving your skin is much deeper than skin care. It is inner care. When you have an understanding of your inner needs while making deliberate changes to reframe your own negative narrative. It is only then, that you begin to discover your own beauty.
Beauty begins to radiate from within because you have created room by removing clutter and allowing light to enter in.
Since you are composed of such unique qualities, that light refracts
from within; radiating and magnifying your inner love for yourself.
In this process, you begin to love your delicate fur, your bestie.
By loving the skin, you are in. Stepping into the light of loving for yourself gives you space to see paths that were obstructed along the way with clarity.
You can then set boundaries so that nothing can hinder the time
you spend with your best friend,
your skin, the true you.
At this point, you can create a skin routine that is tailored
for the consistent love of your bestie.
Are you ready to step into the light by loving yourself?
It’s simple! Forget all about these steps, remember there is luxury in simplicity. Do a hard rest in the programming of shopping first and playing the trial-and-error game.
Your discovery for true skin care begins within yourselves.
Venture with me and let’s discover you. Begin, with making time either during the day or night for yourself. This does not have to be complicated, but consistency is the key. Understanding what your skin needs is your primary research.
Ask yourself “What does my skin like”.
Have you ever thought of your skin to have a personality of its own?
Well, it does! Find out the personality of your skin.
Your Melanin is your currency, so love it!
Let us uncover your bestie, your skin, and watch your inner glow grow!
Yours Truly, Your BFFF
True Clarity