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Clariluz Graham

Life is a maze & FAITH drives your results!

Updated: Jun 25, 2023

Life is a maze and only faith allows the successful completion of the puzzle.

It is not knowing all the puzzle pieces but the continual movement in ascension. It's okay to run into a brick wall from time to time. The problem arises when running into the same wall continuously. If only during those moments, we could break through the wall and act as a bulldozer to get to the other side quicker.

God is our bulldozer! He has made everything beautiful in its time.

(Ecclesiastes 3:11)

Everything in our lives has a time for beautification and full manifestation.

Give yourself time to heal from the brick walls and be not afraid to take as

many chances until the full manifestation of your awaited seed.

He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one

can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.

(Ecclesiastes 3:11)

What has God done for you in the beginning and in the end

where you have no knowledge of his work in your favor.

At every level of our ascension, we need different tools.

Sometimes we only have rocks in the fight to defeat our goliaths.

Other times we need God's magnificent intervention, like parting the waters that our enemies would be consumed for our successful passage. In these moments, where greater firepower is needed God has already charged the atmosphere for your assured victory.

Do not worry this how much more he loves you.

Despite being in a maze where there are constant twists and turns,

his thoughts and ways are greater than ours. (Isaiah 55:8)This alone should provide you solace because the steps of a righteous man are ordered by God. (Psalms 37:23)

If you are wondering how you are still standing?Because God barricaded you in a wall of defenses while dispatching the heavenly host to the gunfight where you showed up with a sword. This is why you are still standing.

I wondered how I was still standing with a family to take care of, and all of my financial investments turned upside down. When I was believing that my investment was going to be a trampoline for my family and myself.

Often, we speak of our successes, but there is shame in our failures, which keep us from sharing the wisdom obtained during our failures, the brick walls we visited multiple times during the ascension to the mountaintop. It was God's power that barricaded my mind from inner turmoil. It was God's power that opened doors for me as he is doing for you too because you are made in his image. You cannot be without what sustains his image in you. When I decided to start over, in my formulation business, I did not know how things were panning out. All I knew was that I had a vision and a strong inclination to put back in its perspective place what God had given to me as a cosmetic chemist. I started looking for locations with impacted credit from an Investment deal that did not go in my favor.

After making calls and looking at a couple of properties, I found the location and met the property manager. He and I spoke, and we built a repour in the time we spent conversing. He said to me "This is your spot". I will help you get everything you need! He spoke to the building's owner (relator) and told him to hold the location for me.Doc had been the property manager for decades.

He said to them "This girl is very promising; she trying to get her things together. Give her a chance". At this time, be proceeded to shut the doors of the location as if it were rented. Individuals that inquired about the property and were looking for a unit like mine he said to them that the unit was occupied. He told me not to worry that the location was mine. I was able to rent the location.

God placed the exact person I needed who believed in me to help me with the deposit and Doc held the location until I found that special person.

I had been looking for Doc for a couple of weeks and found it strange that he had not responded to my calls. I called the property realtor on Friday, and he said to me that Doc had passed. He said right after, I signed the documents to my new location that would now be my lab, he died that week. Instantly I stopped what I was doing and began to cry.

In that moment, I realized that God knew my story more than I gave him credit.

That he loved me more than I could imagine.

That I needed to trust the process even if the path was not clear.

Maybe Doc was my Angel dispatched for that moment in time.

Maybe his last assignment was to open the door for me.

Doc held the space for two months until I got myself together and he was not

the property owner knowing other people were interested in the location.

I was going to this rental war with rocks in a fight that required the heavens and the heavenly host to part the waters.

I don't have it all figured out, but I know now with certainty

that God is working things out for me according to his power.

It is that same power that is working in you!

Be not dismayed by what is happening in the economy or

where you think you should be.

Nothing happens without God's consent concerning you.

We are not of this world (John 15:19) nor is our currency.

David said never has he seen the righteous forsaken or his seed (family) begging for bread.

(Psalms 37:25)

With such uncertain times that we all face in this maze called life,

make the maze the best experience.

Enjoy the brick walls, start over, and remember to laugh at the obstacles.

These are all lessons we can use for ourselves, our spouses, our children, our friends, our family, and even the stranger that needs a word of inspiration.

Yours Truly, Your BFFF

True Clarity

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